First icon is for character icon, there is no change to ability1 for
Tigermonium HD - 2048x2048 (9.26MB)
White Tigermonium HD - 2048x2048 (7.51MB)
Tigermonium 512x512 (747KB)
White Tigermonium - 512x512 (690.51KB)
This is my 2nd HoN texture. When I learnt that we are not limited to the
original textures size I thought awesome and wanted to redo my texture
sporting details that no ones going to see while actually playing =] The
512x512 should look the same roughly, only difference is the finer
details don't show, not that that'd matter ingame lol.
Spent a week on/off on this, its 95% complete, its too troublesome too
continue the trial & errors to fix the minor things such as alpha
issues. I'm satisfied with this, tried quite a few things that got
scrapped, one that annoys me most is the ears, I did my best to work out
the uv but even then I could'nt get the ear texture to look right so I
scrapped it and just used fur.
Change Pandamonium name to Tigermonium name with this mod by Tiger0211
.Honmod (HonModMan v1.1 required)
Original Tigermonium...256x256