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Diablo Defense Survival V4.03
[ · Скачать удаленно (2.07Mb) ] 03.02.2010, 15:23

  • Автор карты: KYTON
  • Жанр: Arena
  • Версия: 0.2.3 AI
  • Язык: English
  • Кол-во игроков: 4-8
  • Поддержка компьютера: Имеется
  • Размер: 128х128
  • Ландшафт: Sunken Ruins

    Неплохая карта жанра Arena для 8 игроков.Так же в карте содержиться не плохой AI.

    Team Death match:

    King of the Hill:


    Orb Craft contains AI to test your skills.

    Orb Based Combat
    Fight in a team by throwing orbs at one another. Orb Craft currently contains 10 different orb: Acid, Arcana, Blood, Darkness, Fire, Force, Frost, Holy, Lightning, Void and Water each with its own effects, mass and friction. There is now also 7 recipe orbs (Clockwork, Glaive, Winter, Phoenix, Nature, Rune and Toxic)

    Orb Craft also contains a selection of spells that uses the physics engine in the map. It currently has 22 spells.

    You can now select an hero as well, each with its own play style.

    Large Selection of Items
    Orb Craft currently has 10 permanent items and 10 charged items.

    Fast Action
    My goal with Orb Craft has always been to make it a fast game and I intend to keep it that way, by making it a key crunching race to the orbs with dodge and throw style combat. The spells only serve as a change of pace.

    Various Game modes
    Orb Craft currently has 4 games modes: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Harbinger (bring the Orb of Destruction to the enemy base to score a point) and King of the Hill (Gain points while standing on a elevated area.

  • Категория: Другое | Добавил: [pXL]VENOM
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