Автор карты: SlickR
Жанр: Defense / Survival Версия: v1.6 Язык: Английский Кол-во игроков: 8 Поддержка AI: Нет Размер: Cредний Ландшафт: Ледяная корона
ОПИСАНИЕ: Очень хорошая карта, в которой от вас требуется лишь одно защитить Ледяной трон, казалось бы, не чего примечательно, но сделано это как просто и интересно, что играть почему-то охота до конца. В общем, карта понравится всем любителям жанра. Изменения в этой версий:
Added more tips at start, colored some old tips Experience gain now works differently, the more players that play the more experience gain and vice versa. Money award now works differently, it always gives same ammount of gold based on level no matter how many players play. Being Jailed time reduced to 30 seconds Being Jailed now works differently, if any player attacks any ally, including ally hero spawned units it will be jailed. When player quits hes removed from the leaderborad, due to problems with victory ending. Added advanced towers that can be purchased Renamed some of the shops Rebalanced all the units you can buy All waves modified and they all follow a winter theme, additionally added 4 more levels Added new items and recipies to combine items Rebalanced all items Rebalanced all heroes Rebalanced all enemy units fixed a ton of abilities tooltips Rebalanced all abilities Rebalanced many gameplay components Some heroes have new abilities or slightly modified old ones Most enemy units have passive and/or active abilities Added neutral hostile units Added special monsters that give special items and/or money and/or experience. Increased time between levels, to accomodate for the neutral hostiles and special units Terrain reworked Added quest with some info and tips Heroes now revive in 30 seconds, from 60 seconds Treasure box now starts at 50% HP, at level 11 it goes to 75% Starting arcane towers armor reduced and mana feedback ability removed All enemy units now do more damage to fortified and hero armor Some code optimization for improved map stability and speed