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Battle Tanks 8.61
[ · Скачать удаленно (649.3Kb) ] 15.08.2009, 18:17

Автор карты: Exodus & Bob666 ; Uploaded by: P-Exodus 
Жанр: Aeon of Strife/AoS 
Версия: 8.61 
Язык: Английский 
Кол-во игроков: 1-10 
Поддержка компьютера: Да 
Размер: 128x128 
Ландшафт: Cityscape 
С обновлениями от 16 июля 2009 года версия интересной и популярной, карты в категории Aeon of Strife/AoS максимум для десяти игроков. Особо на этой карте стоит отметить очень неплохих AI игроков.

Changelog v 8.61: 

* Superthrust (Medivac) now deals more damage and also in an area 
* Life Converter (Medivac) now grants full Hitpoints for every allied tank in range, instead of dividing it 
* Life Converter now completely absorbs allied Decoys 
* Lowered the spawn chance of a Decoy (Medivac) on lower levels 
* Replaced Support Systems with a new ability 
* Added an effect to the Infernal Robot, while he's casting his ultimate 
* The Infernal Robot is now 33% slower, while his ultimate is active 
* Light Tank now longer loses his orders, when using Repair 
* Increased the range of Swarm Rockets (Light Tank) a little again (950 -> 1100) 
* Thunder Tank is now faster (280 -> 295) 
* Increased the range of Lightning Strike (1000 -> 1200) 
* Reduced the cooldown of Electro-Shocker (Air Ship) from 30 to 25 seconds 
* Improved the stun duration of Aiming Rocket (Heavy Tank) from 0.2 secs per level to 0.3 
* Increased the area of Hail of Bombs (Heavy Tank) from 300 to 400 
* Removed the casting delay of Chaos Teleport (Infernal Robot) and the stun now increases with each level 
* Reduced the cooldown of the Repair Kit items from 60 seconds to 50 
* Repair Robots are now cheaper (2250 -> 2000 / 4500 -> 4000) 
* Adjusted the price of the Ultimate Pack accordingly (11500 -> 11000 gold) 
* Increased the Cooldown of the Troop Command (25 -> 30 seconds) 
* A message now shows up, when an AA Gun automatically changes to Bombs or Flak to Axe Launcher, etc 
* Fixed the multikill bug, caused by killing allied units 
* Fixed Earth Tank not being randomable 
* Fixed the Factory counting as two build buildings 
* Fixed Artillery Shot from sometimes not firing, but going into cooldown 
* Fixed the Soulstone values to fit the changed damage values for special targets (less creep damage, more hero damage) 
* Fixed the damage of an upgraded Light Fantastic (525 x2 -> 475 x2) 
* Fixed some minor bugs

Категория: AoS | Добавил: [pXL]VENOM | Теги: Battle Tanks 8.61
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