Название карты: Angel Arena Allstars Автор карты: youkaiz Жанр: Hero Arena Версия: 1.70 Beta2 Язык: Английский Кол-во игроков: до 12(1x1 to 6x6) Поддержка компьютера: Да! Размер: 192x160 Ландшафт: Cityscape
Change Log с версии 1.69d до версии 1.70 Beta2.
Terrain Remake(Now is arena, not Labirint). Removed Many Bosses(Medusa,Judas,Quimera,Cerberus,Chaos). Boss respawn time changed to 10 seconds. New Effect to Boss Models. Now bosses drop gold by his STR(Selene,Helios,Archangel). Bosses bountry can up to 1.000.000 gold to all players of team. Now have over 800 creeps. New way to secret shop. Max level now 50. Changed arena creeps model. Add -switch # comand(can use only one time in game and only can switch with leave players) Add -d #(select the player to next duel) Add Starting option -ng (or -no gods) Show Player number on Scoreboard. Don't Show creeps on minimap. New Loadingscreen New dumbass AI( it don't use ani abilitie or buy itens, only fight lol)
Heros: QoP 3° Abilit(Improved effect) Apollo 2° Abilit (Changed, now it don't bug.) Apolo 4° Abilit (Buff, Increased Damage and Range) Apolo 4° Abilit (Fix requerimente lvl 12)
Changes 1.70 Beta2 Fix -switch Fix -d (Add a protection to don't bug if select a leave players) Fix some leaks. Fix lots of AI bugs. Fix AI in -ar(if use AI in -ar bots stats grown up like crazy) Add new comands -com Add new comands to starting game. Add a Delay to Hidden Island Passage, you only gan buy it after 5 mim of game. Increase Delay to Replenish of Hidden Island Passage(30 seconds) Now Red and Green can't use -switch. Improved some scripts(kick and switch)
This is a "beta" version, i need some feedback to balance the new areas and more time to improve Bots(AI), i still working on it.