Just made Rampage a little look like Shredder from TMNT
-Metal & Blue Color
-Edited Sprite's face
I only changed the color of his Icon because I still want to retain the
original portrait of him.
Download HERE
To Install:
Put the downloaded file into the Heroes of Newerth game folder.
The default locations for this folder are:
Linux: /home/<username>/HoN/game/
Windows 7: C:\Program Files\Heroes of Newerth\game\
Windows Vista: C:\Program Files\Heroes of Newerth\game\
Windows XP: C:\Program Files\Heroes of Newerth\game\
1. Press Finder
2. Press Applications
3. Right click 'Heroes of Newerth', and press Show containing files
4. Open Game folder
5. Move file here
You will now have the Shredder Rampage texture. To disable it, simply
delete resources1059.s2z or remove it from the game folder.