White Princess Ophelia Introduction: Sine I myself didnt like the original Ophelia's Texture
(Skin and dress like an amazon) I tried making her look more of a
Note: Her Dress' color will depend on the player's unique color. and
yerr... her Icon portrait is a DotA LINA fanart, so ignore that fact. I
just see her fit for a white princess texture.
To Install:
Simply download resources1070.s2z into the Heroes of Newerth game
folder. The default locations for this folder are:
Linux: /home/<username>/HoN/game/
Windows 7: C:\Program Files\Heroes of Newerth\game\
Windows Vista: C:\Program Files\Heroes of Newerth\game\
Windows XP: C:\Program Files\Heroes of Newerth\game\
1. Press Finder
2. Press Applications
3. Right click 'Heroes of Newerth', and press Show containing files
4. Open Game folder
5. Move file here